Introduction Cookies have a number of uses for Web application developers and one of them is to track user sessions. Cookies originate on the server, where they are sent as instructions in the header of the HTTP response. In this chapter, we will see how Cookies are put to use in conjunction with JSP. You will also be shown how a shopping cart can be created. Remember that Java Server Pages are first turned into a servlet. In case there are any errors in your JSP script then they too are seen in the servlet. You may not see any error messages at this point but when you try to run the servlet and display the output in a browser, you will see the errors. You may get two types of errors. c1.jsp Consider this example where the variable i has been initialized to a very large number. The question here is, will the JSP engine give an error while generating a servlet or will it show an error while displaying the output? --------------- The browser shows you just a simple error whereas the web server DOS window tells you in detail what the error is. Whenever you have a page directive 'buffer=kb', it should be a number because kb will be passed as a parameter, so when the servlet is compiled it gives an error. c2.jsp This shows the same error as seen earlier. A bit of showing off now. Here we have a class called JSPTest. c3.jsp Output: C3.jsp has a public class named JSPTest. This class has a function named getName that returns a string. The string here is JSPTest. This class contains another class, which extends the same class. Class Inner is within JSPTest and it extends JSPTest. This is all legal. These types of classes are called inner classes. If Inner is an inner class then JSPTest should be an outer class! This is in one block of the script. In the next block, 'jt' is a variable that looks like JSPTest. 'inn' is another variable that looks like JSPTest.Inner. You can refer to this class because inner is a class in JSPTest. In C++, they are called Nested Classes. inner() is used to initialize inn. It is of significance to note that instead of 'new' we have used ''. new is now part of jt. new ( ) is used to create the object and thus call the constructor. Therefore every time you have a class within a class, the outer class has its own new to create the inner classes. The function in the base class 'getName' returns JSPTest whereas the one in the inner class returns Inner. This has nothing to do with JSP. All Java code that you write in a Java program can be written in JSP too. In one of the previous chapters, we tried the bean example where we clicked on a link and went to another page. This can be done in another way by using jsp:forward. This will also take us to another page and the same rules apply. c4.jsp The code of is in c:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\jsp >javac You can put any object you want along with jsp:plugin. A JSP page can have any plugin. Here we are giving type=applet, code=zzz.class along with the width and the height. In order to refresh your memory, the attribute width and height are given because the applet tag requires us to do so. This has already been explained in the first chapter. The jreversion is the version number of the Java runtime engine and the codebase attribute is the location from where the class file is to be picked up. In our case '/' is the JavaWebserver root directory and from there we are pointing to the examples/jsp subdirectory where the class file resides. Jsp:fallback will be looked at only when the object or the plugin statement
gives an error. This is a lot like the 'try-catch' in Java. There are
many types and applet is just one of them. A list of all the types can
be found in the documentation. Just another way to add more content to
the JSP page. The html file received by the browser is as follows <html> Click anywhere and you will find the word 'hell' following the click. All that the servlet does here is sends across the html file. Since this file has the applet tag, the browser asks for the applet. So the JSP engine sends the tags across with the attributes. The browser receives it and works as per the tags in the file. c5.jsp -------------------- You will directly come to another page, in this case you will come to
e1.jsp. is located in c:\jswdk-1.0.1\webpages\web-inf\servlets. To load this servlet the url should be given as c6.jsp will be in the same directory as c.jsp i.e. c:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\jsp. c6.jsp c.jsp will load the servlet yyy, where the function doGet is called. request.setAttribute will set the attribute named servletName to vijay. This is how we can create a variable within the servlet. Now anyone who has access to the servlet can access this variable vijay. This implies that any servlet can access the attribute 'servletName'. Instead of calling it 'servletName' you could have called it aaa. 'a' is a servletconfig which is initialized to the return value of getServletConfig. It is a function in HttpServlet. This has one member named ServletContext. The context in which the servlet is acting is the ServletContext and this function's return value is stored in b. When we call getRequestDispatcher from ServletContext, it will return a requestdispatcher and the parameter passed to this function is the page we wish to view. Here, we give /jsp/c6.jsp, which will load c6.jsp from the current directory-jsp and then finally, we say forward with our request and response. Now c6.jsp will be called. This JSP file will be compiled on the fly i.e. it will be converted into a servlet. In c6.jsp, we have request.getAttribute for servletName and hence it will give us vijay. This is how servlets communicate internally. In short, we have moved from one JSP page 'c.jsp', which became a servlet, to another servlet yyy which called a third servlet of c6.jsp and finally you see vijay displayed on the screen. Note that the first and the third servlet were originally JSP based Let's consider a simple bean. c7.jsp c7.jsp starts with jsp:usebean and the id is given as cb. The scope here is not important. The name of the class is yyy.zzz. Go to the web-inf directory and within the jsp\beans subdirectory create a new subdirectory yyy. Create a Java file called here. It must contain the following code: c:\jswdk-1.0.1\examples\Web-inf\jsp\beans\yyy>edit run it in the browser as The property for the bean cb is set by giving property='*'. This refers to the properties that are given in the form of name=value data in the url. Since the address given in the address bar has a '?' followed by xx=aaa&yy=bbb, the properties to be set will be that of xx and yy. So the JSP engine will call setxx and setyy with aaa and bbb in the Java Bean. If you had just given xx=aaa then only setxx would be called. If you are a good Bean designer, you will first find out the number of parameters you will be accepting and then accordingly create the properties in the Bean. So if you are accepting 7 parameters, you must create 7 properties with the same name in your Bean. Every property in the Bean will have get and set preceding the property name. '*' in the property will initialize all the properties in the Bean. You don't have to set all the properties yourself and this example proves that. The next program has been taken directly from the examples provided by Sun Microsystems. Here, we are considering an HTML file 'aa.html' within which there is code for creating a listbox. This file is to be placed in the examples/jsp subdirectory of jswdk-1.0.1. aa.html We are create one listbox with three options. The first one is shown
by default but you are allowed to choose any of them. When you click on
the submit button the option selected will be given to the name 'item'.
You will notice that here we have two submit buttons here, with the values
add and remove respectively. Irrespective of the button clicked, the file
that will be called is c8.jsp, which for the moment is on the same hard
disk that we are operating from. The method given is post, items will
be equal to the option selected and submit will be equal to either add
or remove, these will go as parameters to the JSP file. c8.jsp The bean that we are using is called ppp.qqq. At first the properties are set so setItem and setSubmit are called which initialize item and submit to the values from the html file after the user clicked on add. Then the cart.processRequest function in the bean is called with request as a parameter. (Remember request, like 'out', is a predefined object)
String[] items = cart.getItems(); In order to display the selected items, getItems in the Bean is called. This function copies elements of the vector into a string array, which is then returned. Hence items in the JSP file will now contain these elements. As you already know, every string contains a length, which gives you the number of elements in the string. Thus items.length will now be the number of elements in the vector. The for loop is used to display each member. In order to display it as a bulleted list we have used li with <%=items[i]'. i is used along with the items to display every element. v.size represents the number of elements in the vector. For example, if you have 5 elements then v.size will give the value 5. v.copyInto will copy from the vector into a string array named s. Then s, an array of strings, is returned. This is how you can build a shopping cart. The concept of keeping the connection alive with a session in the servlet facilitates the creation of a virtual shopping mall. At this point start afresh. There will be now two separate sessions.
In case you had used application instead of session, the process would
have run forever for every new user. If the session was request or page
then this exercise would not have been valid. The best way to test the
Bean is by trying out these other scopes. The following example introduces the concept of Cookies. e25.jsp a1.jsp In Internet Explorer, go to the menu option Tools and choose Internet Options. Then select the tabbed dialog option Security and click on the button labelled Custom Level. Finally, select prompt for the Cookie options. You must enable cookies in your browser. Also, select 'prompt'for the Cookies per-session option. You will now know when a cookie comes over since the browser will ask you for confirmation. A Cookie is stored as a file on disk. It contains a certain finite number of characters and is very small in size. The second important point to remember is that the cookie is transferred as a header. It is sent as the cookie name and it's value. The first line in the example is page session=true. It is not necessary to include this line because it is true by default. Then a variable named num is created which looks like integer. While calling the constructor, 100 is passed as a parameter. So num now holds the number 100. The next line in the script is session.putValue. This function putValue will create a variable named num and give it a value 100. Then we create a string variable called url that will be assigned the absolute address of a1.jsp. Finally <a href='%url%'>a1.jsp</a> will be evaluated to <a href=''>a1.jsp</a>" as it is pure html. a1.jsp has a variable i of type integer. This variable is initialized to the return value of session.getValue(num). Remember, num was a variable created by session.putValue and it was initialized to 100. This object session remains active across the JSP pages and thus getValue of num returns 100. A user interacts with the web server in sessions. Thus, the session object allows you to create a variable in one file using putValue. You can then use this variable on another page. This method will work only if the page session is initialized to true. This is how you can transfer values from one file to another. Hence a1.jsp will print the value of i as 100. What are Cookies and how do Cookies work? Aha! You all know what Cookies are and how well they work for the stomach, but we are interested in a new type of Cookie, freshly baked from the Java shelf! So far you've only smelt the Cookie, now you get to taste it! The first time you connect to the web server, it will send you a cookie.
As we have changed our cookie option to prompt, we will see a message
box where we will click on 'more info'. Here we will be told that our
cookie name is SESSIONID. It expires at the End of session and also the
Data is To1011mC8999595236320718At. The web server sends a header with
Set-Cookie: SESSIONID = To1011mC8999595236320718At. Now if you start another
browser session the cookie name will be the same but the data will be
To1012mC22314797589282154At i.e. it will be different. Each time a browser
receives a cookie, it sends a header to the server the next time it connects.
This header contains Cookie: SESSIONID = To1011mC8999595236320718At. This
is how the web server can recognize one browser instance from another.
To sum up, the web server starts by sending a cookie and the browser will
send the same cookie back when it connects to the server again. The cookies
are stored on your hard disk. If you disable cookies then you will get the output shown above as there is no way to distinguish one browser instance from another. A Cookie is a small amount of information which is sent by a servlet to the web browser. The browser saves this information on the hard disk and later on it can also be sent back to the server. A Cookie's value can uniquely identify a client. Hence Cookies are commonly used for session management. A Cookie has a name, a single value and it has attributes like comment, path, domain qualifiers, maximum age and version number. A large number of web browsers have bugs in how they handle the optional attributes, so please use them sparingly. They improve the interoperability of the servlet. Normally, a Cookie is sent to the browser one at a time and the browser is expected to support 20 Cookies for each web server, 300 Cookies in total and it may limit the Cookie size to 4k each. The browser is sent Cookies in the header and it returns Cookies to the servlet by adding fields to the http request header as mentioned earlier. Several Cookies might have the same name but different path attributes. Cookies affect the caching of the web pages that use them because HTTP 1.0 doesn't cache the pages with Cookies. There are two versions of the Cookies, version 0 is by Netscape and version 1, which is documented in rfc2109, is the original one. By default, Cookies are created in version 0 to ensure the best operability and the Cookies class implements cloneable. By default, all Cookies are returned to the server that sent them. A Cookie is sent to the browser by the servlet in the headers. That means that if the browser ever receives a Cookie from the server then each time it connects to the server, it will send the cookie in the header. Let's consider this example. Here, c is an object that looks like Cookie. When we say c=new Cookie, we are passing two parameters to the constructor; one is a name 'zz7', which should be the name our cookie and the other is a value 'mukhi' i.e. the value of the cookie. Basically, we've created an object that looks like Cookie. res looks like HttpServletResponse and addCookie will add this cookie. The servlet uses HttpServletResponse whenever it wants to send some information to the server. All that the server does is, creates a header with the header variable Set-Cookie: and the value is given as zz7=mukhi. Set-Cookie: zz7=mukhi If you haven't enabled the Cookies option in your browser to Prompt, we suggest you do it now. This program is called when you load it in the browser. Give the url as On doing so, a message box will be displayed. Before clicking on 'Yes' select 'More Info'. It will tell you that the Cookie name is zz7 and below that it will show mukhi. This proves that your browser did receive a Cookie. Having understood the above program, let's look at the next program. cookie zz7=mukhi Hi We sent one cookie and we received one cookie. Here, c is an array of Cookies. request.getCookies returns an array of Cookies. So, in the for loop we have i=0; i < c.length and then i++. Using getName and getValue, the name of the Cookie and the value given to it are printed. In our case c.length will be 1 because we have sent only one Cookie from the server. You can also send two Cookies at the same time. The next program demonstrates this. In this program we have included Comment, which are some lines of text that you may want to add. setMaxAge decides how long the Cookie lives and setSecure is to use https - secure sockets layer to send this Cookie across. setPath means you are sending your computer path with your name and req.getServletPath will give the following : /examples/servlet/zzz. Now click on 'More Info' and you will observe that the other values, which were not filled in earlier, are now filled in. setMaxAge indicates the time period that the Cookie will be alive for. setPath specifies the path for the cookie to which the client should return the cookie. A cookie is visible to all pages in the directory you specify, and its subdirectorys. A Cookie's path must include the servlet that sent the Cookie. For example, /catalog makes the Cookie visible to all the Cookies on the server under /catalog. As we set the setMaxAge, the cookies 'expires' property now gives you an actual date and time. It is no longer a session cookie and netscape stores this information in a file named cookies.txt. The header now has an Expires=date added to it. In order to do so, use setPath and then use setVersion. If you specify the version as 0, the Cookie should comply with the original Netscape specification, if it is 1, then it should comply with rfc2109. Since Cookies are returned to a server, all servlets running within a server share Cookies. The next program shows how the domain, the path and the version can be retrieved. In this example, the first Cookie comes over because you didn't set the
path, the next two Cookies don't come over because you have set the path
and the path is different. c is a Cookie and h is a boolean with a value 'false'. p is a String that is initialized to the value given to ppp. ppp gets a value only when the user sends the url as Since we haven't given it in this manner, p will be null. The if condition becomes true and the control passes to the if statement. c is a Cookie where the variable vij4 is given the value 'hi'. This is added to the response and sendRedirect will redirect the browser to pick up another file from the disk. In the meantime the server will send the cookie to the browser and we can see that the value of the cookie vij4 is hi. The file is c5, the same servlet, but now with ppp having a value 'no'. Remember, the cookie is sent to the browser and redirect wrote the new url in the address bar of IE. The servlet gets called again but now the else statements are executed. Here, it is first checked whether the value of p is 'no'. This being true in our case, the statements within if are executed. The variable h is reinitialized to false and d is now declared as an array of Cookies. req.getCookies will return an array of Cookies. This is given to d. Within the for loop, it is checked whether a Cookie named vij exists. If there is one, then we break from the loop after initializing h to the value true. In our case with cookies off, the name 'vij4' does not exist, so h remains false. When the loop terminates, it is checked whether the value of h is true or false. If it is false, then the browser is redirected to another servlet c6 with the value 'no' given to aa. The servlet c6 now prints the value 'no' on the screen. If the value is 'yes', then the browser supports Cookies, because in that case it would already have a name 'vij4' stored. In, we are first printing the values of the array 'items' of type String. This variable is initialized to the value in the item parameter i.e. if the url contains ?item=hi , then the items array will contain one member named hi. If after the ? we had item=hi&item=bye, then the items array would have 2 members, hi and bye. A parameter in a url can have the same name repeated multiple times. Since we have given the url as there is no parameter value given to this servlet. Hence no items exist and we see 'None' displayed on the screen. The else block isn't executed and hence no list is displayed. Then a form is displayed on the screen. The for loop will not be executed as there are no items. Now within the text box, we want you to write aa and then click on the 'Add More Items' Button. req.getParameterValue(item) will now have the value as item=aa. With Java servlets and the HTTP protocol you can have items=hi&items=bye given along with the url. Note that you can have as many values given to the same parameter. getParameterValue will now give you an array of strings. You can then display all the strings. The servlet creates an html file along with a form. We have the input
tag with type=hidden name =item and then the value of items. So if there
are 6 items then we will have 6 input statements and all of them will
be hidden. Hidden inputs will not be displayed on the screen. Now each
time you say submit i.e. click on 'Add More Items' after writing in the
text box, the program specified by action is called. Finally, we are calling
the same servlet c7 and thus you see the same screen displayed again.
This is one way of creating a shopping cart without using sessions. <HEAD><TITLE>Current Shopping Cart Items</TITLE></HEAD> URL A little more on Sessions...... This example will explain sessions once more. C:\jswdk-1.0.1\webpages\web-inf\servlets>edit After clicking on the Refresh Button Once Again Once the servlet is loaded, the doGet function is called. A variable 's' that looks like HttpSession is created. It is initialized to the session object returned by request.getsession. response.setContentType will set the content type header to text/html. Now out is a variable that will generate our html file. The variable 'h' is of type String and is initialized to a blank space. Also, we have created two other variables o and o1 of type Integer. Every object that looks like session has a function named isNew. This function checks whether the session has been accessed in the past. At the moment, there has been no value given in this session, so isNew returns true. When the control enters the if statement, the variable o is given a value by calling the constructor with one parameter in Integer. Giving 0 as the value in the constructor will initialize o to 0. s.putvalue is one more function in HttpSession which takes the name of the variable and then the value to be given to this variable. The variable or the word here is 'acc'. Indirectly, acc is given the value 0. 'h', which is a string variable, is assigned the string 'First time'. At this point the else block will not be executed. The values of a few variables or properties in this session are then displayed. out.println with h will display 'First time'. Then we have s.getId. Every session is given a unique number. Thus, s.getId will display that unique id. The id is a number generated at random and is assigned only by the servlet container. It is implementation dependent. Then s.getCreationTime will return the time in milliseconds, i.e. the time when you last created the session. This is given to the Date constructor. This in turn will return a Date object which when displayed looks like the date format. The same rules apply for s.getLastAccessedTime. In our case the creation time and the date of last access will be similar. MaxInactiveInterval will tell you how much time has elapsed since you last accessed the session. When a client doesn't access a running session within a certain period of time, the session is invalidated. That means the servlet will discontinue the session. Here, if you say 10 minutes and do not access the session within 10 min, it will show a timeout. This is to make sure that the session doesn't go on indefinitely. The reason being, a user may decide to visit the Amazon site and not 'check out', he may simply disappear, or go to another site as he may have changed his mind. Here, if you give -1, a negative time, then the session doesn't timeout. s.getValue will give you the value of acc which is 0 at the moment. Thus it prints 0 along with the number of previous accesses, which again is the value of o i.e. 0. Remember, both are the same. Session has a function named getValueNames, which returns an array of Strings for the attributes or words present in the session. Since it is an array, we put it in a for loop. The variable i is initialized to 0. The loop will go on till the value of i reaches the length of the array. In our case, since we have only one attribute, the control will enter the loop only once, display acc and then quit. Now, when you click on the refresh button in IE, the session doesn't change but if you start a new copy of the browser then things will change. When doGet is called again i.e. when we press refresh, isNew returns false since acc is an attribute with a value in the session. So now the else block of the if statement is called. Here the current value of h is changed to 'Once again'. Then, the value of acc is retrieved using getValue. The Integer class has a function named intValue which converts the value to an int. o is reinitialized to a new value which is the old value plus 1. Finally, putValue sets acc to this new value. A session is an abstract entity created by the servlet. A servlet is loaded once and only once into memory whereas a session is created each time a new instance of a browser accesses the site. Thus a session is the same browser or the same user accessing different parts of the site. A new copy of IE would mean a new user and hence implies a new session. It is the cookie which distinguish one session from another. Using this technique, you can now create a Shopping Cart. Remember, the servlet is loaded only once in memory. Consider the following illustration- Each time you vist the Amazon site,
if there is a servlet running on Amazon, you will be given a new session
id. The session keeps track of what you buy. This is very similar to the
value of acc, which keeps incrementing and yet remains unique to the current
session. All the attributes are session wise, hence you can now store
all the books that you have purchased in the shopping cart. Conclusion In this chapter, you have seen how a shopping cart can be created. |