Beans in the Market If you go to any marketplace and enquire about the types of beans available, you are bound to get a variety of answers. There are french beans, large beans, small beans etc.,. and then some intelligent friend of your's might say that Java Beans are available as well. We'll leave all the other beans to the vegetable vendors and cooks to figure out and talk of Java Beans in this chapter. Before we try and figure out what a Java Bean is, let's explore the world of COMPONENTS and CONTAINERS. Let's try and get the basics clear with a true to life example. Suppose we had two programmers and a client. Programmer A has come out with the latest E-MAIL program with a great user interface. The client hires A and is ready to buy his program, but fortunately or unfortunately the client is weak in English, and sends programmer A a letter saying " I will take your prouduct only if you can inculude spelcheck in
it." Seeing the pitiable state of his client's English, A takes it to be his moral responsibility to include spellcheck in his program. He neither has the time nor the patience to sit down and write a speller-checker program. So, he goes to the market, buys a speller-checker from B and includes it in his E-MAIL program. Now B's program is a component, which is added to A's program(container). Not every programmer who wrote the speller-checker could get the sign the deal with A(container). Only that program, which complied with, or followed all the set of rules put forth by A got it. We should drive home the fact that a COMPONENT must follow a certain set of rules given by the CONTAINER. Sun Microsystems developed a set of rules to enable java programs to be used as components, which they named 'Java Beans'. They also developed a reference container for these Java Beans to show the world the rules to be followed while using them. Create a subdirectory to work in. We have named our directory jb. Bare Minimum Requirements for learning Java Beans c:\jb\>edit This Program ends here.!!! There is one thing every person must understand about any new technology. It always makes life easier by doing all the complex jobs for us. So to succeed in the market it has to be very simple to use. Enough philosophy for now, let's get down to work . Java Bean is just another java program which can be used as a component in a container. An Ode to the Jars: Bungee jumping, skiing, scuba diving and surfing the net are the hobbies of millions, the world around, but did you ever try to think why surfing the net comes last on the list of hobbies ? It's because of the amount of time you have to wait before things come to you. When a person goes to a site on the Net and asks for some information, he is connected to the site where this information is available. The required data is in the form of a html document i.e. he first connects to the server, and gets the html document. Before being shown, the application (let's suppose it is some animation software), might ask for some .gif files, or some .class files etc. So, for retrieving each file, a special request has to be sent to the the server and the bytes have to be transferred to the client. Moreover, there is a lot of congestion on the net since the servers may be busy. Thus, the time taken for the transfer of the required bytes depends on the quality of the line, congestion on the server (too many clients accessing the same server) etc. Statistically speaking, even if we were to send you a message saying "Hello", 40 additional bytes of data (called as a TCP/IP header) would have to be transferred along with this message. So the gist is that each time there is a transfer of actual meaningful data from or to the client, there is a lot of over head involved. Suppose your friend had given you a mystery novel. You start reading it and are interested. By the time you reached the climax and the mystery situation, you find out that the second half of the book is missing. Anxious to read the later chapters, you visit your friend, but in vain, as he's left for some other place and wouldn't be returning until later the next day. As there is no other alternative, you wait. Had you friend been thoughtful, he would have given you the other part too!
To compile , give the following command c:\jb>javac In order to create the manifest file, create a file with .mf extension. Here we give the filename as c:\jb>edit // The manifest file The jar program creates a .jar file. It is a utility provided by Sun which puts all the required files of a particular application into the jar file. c:\jb>jar cfm zzz.jar zzz.class c:\jb>dir /w Directory of C:\jb [.] [..] zzz.class zzz.jar The cfm options to jar file mean the following. -c create new archive The new archive to be created is given first, then the manifest file which contains the bean information and lastly the .class files which belong to the application. Note that only one class can be called a bean. The other class files that you specify are more like supportive files that contain code. c:\jb>copy zzz.jar c:\progra~1\bdk1.1\jars Sun Microsystem has a bean development kit which can be downloaded from their site. We have installed bdk1.1 . Here they have created a reference container for Java Beans, called the beanbox. The container looks at the jars subdirectory for all the jar files which have to be implemented in the Bean Development Kit (BDK). Hence we copy our .jar file into this subdirectory Now to see our bean work, we change to the bdk subdirectory and run a batch file viz. run.bat c:\jb>cd c:\progra~1\bdk1.1\beanbox Voila! Our Java Bean - zzz is right there at the bottom of the Beanbox
toolbar. Click and drag zzz into the beanbox container and you'll see
a "Frenchbean" on the screen. Now, to bring the explicit button
to the beanbox, we first click on the button and position the mouse on
the container and then we click. Now that we have both a button and our
Java Bean (zzz)in the beanbox container, let's learn how to connect both
of them. On clicking the action performed for a buttonpush, we find a jazzy red line with one end fixed at the button and the other end, free to move with the mouse. Now position the mouse on zzz and click on it. By doing this, we are actually connecting the button with our zzz Java Bean. As soon as we click on the zzz Java Bean, an Event Target Dialog (a dialog box with this heading) pops up. This dialog box has a big list of functions which can be assigned to our pushbutton. Of the many functions in the dialog box only one seems to be both familiar and mysterious i.e. hide. So we select it and click on OK. Now let's emulate the disappearing act of Houdini. Press the pushbutton with a mouse click and see the "Frenchbean" disappear i.e. the Java Bean (zzz) in the beanbox container disappears. The Fundamentals of a Property : Now, it's time for some fun. To begin with, we first select the juggler icon from the toolbox (beanbox frame) and bring it into our Container. Can we interact with the juggler? This is the first question we should ask. The answer is, YES WE CAN !! There is a small window named the property sheet next to the beanbox container. This window has a property named animationrate which can be changed. By changing the value of the property, you will see the juggler juggling either slower or faster than before. What is a property? It is a variable that can be changed by the user. Now, It is very easy to create a variable and initialize it in the program itself. You can then have conditions and code that are executed when the variable is greater than some value or less than a certain value. When you change the value in the property sheet, a variable has to be created that accepts new values at run time and shows the effect immediately. To incorporate this feature, every variable has to have two functions that have to be preceded by either a get or a set. Such variables are called properties. Only two things can be done to a variable. You can either 'get' it or 'set' it. example : and when i is used on the right side of the equalto i.e. The function which has 'set' has to be given a value whereas the function which has 'get' has to return some value. Create a batch file with the following commands and then execute it a.bat Now when you bring in the bean into the container, you will see xx with the value 10 as a property in the PropertySheet. You can change this value and the resultant value will then be displayed in the Container. When xx =10, we see " Great 10 " in the beanbox and if we change it to xx = 100, we see " Great 100" in the beanbox .
Previously, to make something disappear, we clicked on action performed for a push button and chose a target method ( assigned to the push button ) i.e . hide . We can now have our own function in the Event Target Dialog. For this we make modifications to the previous program. Remove the "getxx" and the "setxx" functions from the previous program, and put the following function in the code public void abc( ) Run the file a.bat. Bring the bean in the container and then the explicit button. Proceed to the Event Target Dialog by clicking on action performed of a buttonpush as before. The function abc() that we included in our code is up on the list. Select it and then click on OK. Now click on the button and see the value change on the screen. "Great 10 " now becomes " Great 1000" We've chosen names like abc so that we can easily find them as the first
entry on the list. |