2. Animation - Threads And Exceptions





In the previous chapter, we introduced you to the methods paint() and repaint() which are the foundation of graphical display in Java. These methods allow your Java programs to display images, shapes, colors etc. We saw how it can be used to draw a simple line. In this chapter, we will introduce you to Animation using Java. Animation has many uses, from dramatic web pages to exciting games. Java animation is superior to things like animated GIF files because it provides dynamic interaction instead of just a static performance. Here, you will learn how to animate image files. This chapter also introduces the concept of threads and exceptions.


But before we get down to animation, there are a few more functions that you need to learn.


The following program introduces a new function called getCodeBase.



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()







The init function calls System.out.println.  Here, instead of passing a string we are giving a function- getCodeBase as a parameter. getCodeBase already exists within the Applet class as a function. getCodeBase returns the location of the applet class i.e. the sub directory which contains the code of the applet.


C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


C:\javaprg>appletviewer a.html




We once came across graffiti that said, “You can’t fool me, I’m too stupid!!” But we intend no folly here!


Let’s understand the output.


Our applet is based on our local machine and hence it says file: We are on a windows machine in C: drive within the javaprg subdirectory. This is the location from where the applet code has been picked up. Had the applet been picked up from another site, getCodeBase would have returned a url (uniform resource locater). A url or a uri (uniform resource identifier) identifies some resource.



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


java.util.Date d;

d = new java.util.Date();





In the previous programs, when we declared a variable int ii, we were actually creating an object ii that looked like an int. In this program, java.util.Date d will create a variable called d that looks like java.util.Date. We decided not to have the import statement for Date, hence the longish name. You can rewrite the code with Date and the line import java.util.* on the top.


There is a difference between saying Date d and int i. A variable gets created as an object if its data type is int, char or long. These data types are built into programming languages like C and C++. In such a case the object is created at the time of its declaration. Anything other than the basic data types must be explicitly created. Java implements the same rules.


Thus when we say d looks like Date, we are not creating an object that looks like Date. Here the object is declared to be of Date type and will be created in the future.


Let’s understand how we can create objects ourselves.


To create an object other than the basic types, languages like C++ utilized the word new. Java follows the same route and uses new as well. The next line in our program uses new to create the object d. The keyword new requires the name of the class which in this case is java.util.Date. 


d now becomes an instance or an occurrence of the class Date. Date is given with the round brackets because that is part of Java’s syntax. The println function with d as a parameter will display the current date and time at which we ran the applet.


C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


C:\javaprg>appletviewer a.html


Fri Apr 28 19:52:31 GMT+05:30 2000


In the previous chapter, we used the paint function extensively. We also had g that looked like Graphics and if you recollect we did not use new Graphics() anywhere. The reason for this is that whoever called paint had already created an instance of Graphics and passed it as a parameter. Hence we were spared effort of doing so ourselves.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n;

public void init()


n = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T1.gif”);


public void paint(Graphics g)






This program introduces an additional class called Image. n looks like Image. Every class has code as does Image which has its own code and its own set of variables. This class handles images. getImage is a function that requires a location from where the image file can be picked up. So the first parameter is the location and the second parameter is the name of the graphics file. The function getCodeBase returns the location of the applet.


For this program, you need a gif file called T1.gif which must be placed in the same directory as that of the applet. T1.gif comes with the Java development kit. T1.gif can be found by doing the following: go to the jdk1.2.2 subdirectory, there you will find many directories one of which is named demo. From demo, go to applets, which will take you to animator. One of the subdirectories here is named images, which has beans and within beans lies T1.gif. The T series starts from T1 and goes up to T10. We recommend you copy all of them to your current directory, which in our case is c:\javaprg.

getImage returns an image which is stored in n. That means this function internally performs a new Image and returns an object that looks like Image. In our current program, n represents an image T1.gif. Just as drawLine and drawString are functions in the Graphics class and to call them we  say g.drawString and g.drawLine, the same applies to the drawImage function. It is also to be found within the Graphics class. drawImage takes 4 parameters. The dot separates the name of the object from the name of the function.


The first parameter to the drawImage function is an image, the second is the x coordinate, the third is the y coordinate and the last one is a instance of an object. n in our program represents the image T1.gif which is to be displayed. The next two are the locations on the screen where we want the image to appear and finally we have the word ‘this’.


‘this’ is a reserved word; it is a part of the Java programming language. In our code it stands for two things, either zzz or applet. ‘this’ stands for the current class or  the class that you are extending from. So if Applet has been extended from two or three or more classes then it stands for them too. drawImage requires an instance of a class i.e. an object and  hence we provide it as the last parameter  by saying ‘this’; which means zzz or Applet.


After running the applet you will see the image T1.gif displayed in the appletviewer.


The next program is similar to the earlier one. This program proves that strings and images are all treated in the same manner. This may seem strange at first, but you’ll soon get used to the idea.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n;int x = 19,y=76;

public void init()


n = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T1.gif”);


public void paint(Graphics g)




public boolean mouseDown(Event e , int x1 ,int y1)


x = x1; y = y1;


return true;



In this program, we have used drawImage instead of drawString. Whenever the mouse is clicked in the window, x and y get initialized to the click position. repaint() calls the paint function which in turn draws the image where the mouse is clicked. Thus the image follows the mouse click.




The if statement is the bedrock of programming because it gives intelligence and decision power to a language. The second major part of any programming language is a looping construct. In Java, the for statement allows you to repeat computer programming statements. However, you already know that we can enclose statements within a block, thus it also allows repetition of multiple statements.


This next program should clarify this.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


int i;

for ( i = 1; i<= 10; i = i + 1)


System.out.println(“Hi “+i);





The for statement has 2 semicolons. The statement upto the first semicolon is executed only once. For the first time i.e. only once is i initialized to 1. The statement enclosed within the first and second semicolon is a condition. The condition checks whether i <= 10 evaluates to true. Since this condition evaluates to true, the statements within the open and the close brackets will be executed. If the condition evaluates to false, all these statements are skipped and the loop terminates. Here, since the for loop is required to execute only a single statement, the ‘{}’ brackets are optional. This rule is applicable here too. The variable i has a value 1 which is less than 10, so System.out.println will be called and it will display hi 1. After all the statements within the block are executed, the last part of the for is executed. i=i+1 will increase the value of i by 1, making its new value 2. The condition is checked again, is 2 <= 10? The answer here is true so hi 2 is displayed. Now i is incremented once more and now becomes 3. The condition 3 <= 10 is again evaluated to true or false and this goes on till the condition is false. When i has the value 11, the condition checked is, 11 <= 10, which is false. The for terminates and the remaining lines of the program after the for block are executed. This is how the for statement enables the repetition of code. When we leave the for statement the value of i will be 11.


The while lopp is similar to the for loop.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


int i;

i = 1;

while ( i<= 10 )


System.out.println(“Hi “+i);

i = i + 1;





The while loop only takes a condition, hence the variable i is initialized to 1 before entering the loop. The condition checks if i <= 10 evaluates to true. Currently the value of i is 1. The condition evaluates to true and the statements within the curly braces are executed. System.out.println is called with Hi and i. The next most important thing to do is increment the value of i or else it will have the same value and the loop will go on indefinitely.


You may ponder over the question, “Should I use for or while?’ After all, the for loop is similar to the while loop. To answer your question is “On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays use for and on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays use while. Take a break on Sundays; nobody works on Sundays”. Alternatively “Toss a coin. If it’s heads use while and if it’s tails, don’t use for” ;-) 


This is the biggest problem regarding computer programming. There are multiple ways of doing the same thing. Both while and for do the same thing. The middle parameter of the for statement and the condition in while loop are basically the same. It is entirely up to you to choose one.


The next program creates an infinite loop using the while statement.


The while condition simply says true. The condition will never evaluate to false and hence the loop will go on indefinitely.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


int i;

i = 1;

while ( true )


System.out.println(“Hi “+i);

i = i + 1;







All programming languages implement arrays. An array is just another entity. For e.g., all the people born in India can be said to belong to a single array named India. They are all parts of a single whole. The concept of an array is very flexible and like beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholder.


Here is the simplest example on arrays.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


int n[];

int i = 0;

public void init()


n = new int[4];

n[0] = 10;

n[1] = 20;

n[2] = 30;

n[3] = 40;

for (i=0; i < 4; i++)




C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


C:\javaprg>appletviewer a.html







The init function contains int n[ ]. The [ ] tells us that the variable is an array. Here n is an array of ints. int i is another variable. At this point it is not known how large the array will be. So on the next line we give n = new int[4]. This will create 4 variables called n[0], n[1], n[2] and n[3]. These variables now need to be initialized and we do this by giving every variable its own value. n[0]is initialized to 10, n[1] to 20 and so on. The only change from earlier programs is that we have created 4 int’s in one step and they have names like n[0] and so on.


The for loop is used to display these variables. At first i is initialized to 0. The condition i<4 indicates that the loop will execute 4 times.  System.out.println (n[i]), for the first time, will be System.out.println(n[0]), hence it will display 10. In the next round, i will be 1 hence System.out.println(n[1]) will display 20 and so on. In System.out.println, it is not specifically stated which variable, instead we have said n[i]. There is no variable called n[i], but each time the loop executes i gets a new value ranging from 0 to 3. Arrays are thus suited for loops as we can use a variable i to decide the name of the array variable and thus its value. So one variable’s value decides the name of another variable. This extra layer of abstraction allows us to create complex programs.


Doing this makes our programs more generic. We haven’t specifically named each variable, instead we’re using another variable to form the name.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n[]; int i = 0;

public void init()


n = new Image[4];

n[0] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T1.gif”);

n[1] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T2.gif”);

n[2] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T3.gif”);

n[3] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T4.gif”);


public void paint(Graphics g)






This program creates an array name n of type Image. n is an array of images.  But how many images? n= new Image[4] determines the number of images i.e. it creates an array 4 images. They are initialized individually. drawImage is given the first parameter as n[i]. Remember, the value of i is 0 thus we see the image which is stored in n[0]; in this case, T1.gif.


This goes to prove that what we did for ints is also applicable to images. The same rules apply.


In the following program, each time the mouse is clicked, i is incremented by 1 and then the paint function is called.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n[]; int i = 0;

public void init()


n = new Image[4];

n[0] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T1.gif”);

n[1] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T2.gif”);

n[2] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T3.gif”);

n[3] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T4.gif”);


public void paint(Graphics g)




public boolean mouseDown(Event e , int x1 ,int y1)




return true;




The first time you see image n[0], then n[1], then n[2] and then n[3]. But the moment i becomes 4, drawImage takes the first parameter as n[4]. Since our array is not large enough, thus when you go back to the dos screen you will see a screen full of errors.


Let’s see what we can do to prevent these errors.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n[]; int i = 0;

public void init()


n = new Image[4];

n[0] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T1.gif”);

n[1] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T2.gif”);

n[2] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T3.gif”);

n[3] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T4.gif”);


public void paint(Graphics g)




public boolean mouseDown(Event e , int x1 ,int y1)



if ( i == 4)

i = 0;


return true;




Here, we are making sure that when the variable i becomes 4, it is re-initialized to 0. Thus as you keep clicking in the window, i gets a new value which is within the limits of the array size and the images keep changing.


Using this concept, let’s animate the 10 pictures that you copied into your current directory. The pictures range from T1 to T10. Since there are 10 pictures, if you click in the window fast enough you will see different pictures displayed each time, resulting in animation. The following program demonstrates this.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Image n[]; int i = 0;int j = 1;

public void init()


n = new Image[10];

for ( i = 0; i <= 9 ; i++)


n[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T”+j+”.gif”);



i = 0;


public void paint(Graphics g)




public boolean mouseDown(Event e , int x1 ,int y1)



if ( i == 10)

i = 0;


return true;




At first, an array of 10 images is created and n now stands for the array of 10 images. Initializing the variables individually is tedious, so we use a for statement. i is initialized to 0 at the start of the loop. The condition in the for statement evaluates to false when i becomes 10. Thus the value of i increases by 1 each time control enters the loop. There is no variable called n[i], thus when i is 0 the variable becomes n[0] and when i is 9 the variable becomes n[9].


Another variable called j is used to change the filenames. When the variable name is n[0] the gif file will be T1.gif. Therefore, we initialize j to 1 and each time j++ is encountered, its value is increased by 1. To give the filename, we simply use the + sign to add the different parts of the name. So when j is 1, the filename given as “T”+j+”.gif” will become T1.gif. We could have avoided the use of j and simply used i by initializing it to 1 instead of 0, but that leads to unnecessarily complicated code. Also remember that array variable names begin with 0 and the images names start at 1.  The rest of the code remains the same.



In a nutshell, within the for we have initialized 10 variables to 10 different images and whenever we click with the mouse, paint is called with a new value in i. When i becomes 10, it is reinitialized to 0. Thus any code that is repeated can be replaced by a for statement.




Let’s get back to the basics of Java. The first program had public class zzz extends Applet. Extends brings the existing code from Applet into zzz. zzz is called the derived  class and Applet the base class.


In the code given below we are saying zzz implements runnable. The minute we say implements runnable and run javac, it comes back with an error saying ‘class zzz must be declared abstract’.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


public void init()





C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


zzz.java:3: class zzz must be declared abstract. It does not define void run() from interface java.lang.Runnable.

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


1 error


Let’s keep this aside for the moment and create a new file yyy.java in the same sub directory.




public class yyy implements xxx




Here we have a class called yyy and we say implements xxx. Run the program by saying javac yyy.java. It returns with an error saying that while it doesn’t know what xxx is, it suspects that xxx must be an interface.


C:\javaprg>javac yyy.java


yyy.java:1: Interface xxx of class yyy not found.

public class yyy  implements xxx


1 error


So create xxx.java and write the following code. Don’t put anything between the curly braces. 



public interface xxx




Compile xxx.java. You won’t see any errors. Now compile yyy.java. Surprisingly this time too you get no errors. But this does not seem to make things any clearer, so lets go back to xxx.java.


If you don’t see the same output while trying out code, you will just have to set the classpath as follows.


c:\javaprg>set classpath=.;%CLASSPATH%


The compiler looks into the directories specified in the classpath variable. The classpath tells the compiler where to look for xxx. If it doesn’t find xxx, it gives an error. Here, by saying ‘.’ we tell javac to look in the current directory. Classpath is an environmental variable which informs the java compiler about either the sub directories within which it should search for .class files or specifies the full names of the actual .class files.


In xxx.java, add public void abc(); within curly braces, just as we have done below.



public interface xxx


public void abc();



Note that function abc has public void in front of it and followed by a semicolon. This indicates that we are neither creating a function nor calling a function. Then what is it? This is a function prototype and we place them in interfaces, and elsewhere as well. When we compile xxx.java, it won’t show any errors. A function prototype contains no code whatsoever. Compile xxx.java again.


Now go back to yyy.java and say javac yyy.java. This results in an error as shown before.


C:\javaprg>javac yyy.java


yyy.java:1: class yyy must be declared abstract. It does not define void abc() from interface xxx.

public class yyy  implements xxx


1 error


With implements runnable, the error message was


zzz.java:3: class zzz must be declared abstract. It does not define void run() from interface java.lang.Runnable.


An interface only contains function prototypes. When we use extends, we are merging the code of the extended class with the current class. With implements this does not happen. An implemented class may have one or a hundred function prototypes. All these functions must be included in the current class because it implements another class and if you don’t do so, you will get an error.


xxx has the prototype of the function abc, so you have to write this function within zzz. You may or may not put any code in it. When you do so, the error vanishes.



public class yyy  implements xxx


public void abc()





In the next program, xxx.java comprises of two function prototypes. The newly introduced function pqr takes one parameter which is int i. If you don’t give the variable a name it will give an error. Compile the program and you will not get any errors.


yyy implements xxx hence pqr is included in yyy. But here the name of the variable can be different, it doesn’t have to be called i.


public interface xxx


public void abc();

public void pqr(int i);




public class yyy  implements xxx


public void pqr(int j)



public void abc()





An interface must always be implemented and is thus different from a class. A class has function code whereas interfaces contain only function prototypes. Any class implementing an interface must have the code for the function whose prototype is specified in the interface. This is to guarantee that code is present for the interfaced functions within a class. When you extend a class you get stuff for free but when you use implements you have to write code yourself. If a person is an engineer, we know exactly what his capabilities  are and he knows exactly what to do. Similarly, when you implement from a class it knows exactly what it has to do.


An interface is like a contract. Hence if Runnable as an interface has a 100 functions then we would have to write the code for all the 100 functions. If we do not, then the java compiler will give us errors.




Make sure that your program matches the following where the class zzz calls new xxx(). Also create a public class called xxx in xxx.java 



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


new xxx();






public class xxx




Compile both, first obviously xxx and then zzz. You won’t see any errors. At times, you don’t need to compile both the Java files. If you have the Java file then the compiler automatically compiles xxx.java if it is present in the current directory; but it is advisable to compile both.


Now add a function name xxx to the class xxx as we have done below. Run the applet and nothing spectacular will happen. However, when you close the window, “In const” is displayed in the DOS box.



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


new xxx();





public class xxx




System.out.println(“In const”);




The appletviewer calls init in zzz and executes new xxx( ). To execute this statement, it first loads xxx.class and checks for a function with the same name as the name of the class, in this case xxx. Since there is a function by that name, Java executes this function. So we see ‘In const’ on the screen.

A constructor is a function whose name is the same as the name of the class. You can’t call a constructor; it is called when an instance of the class is created with the new command. If you try to call the constructor directly, you will get an error.


Now rewrite the constructor as int xxx().


public class xxx


int xxx()


System.out.println(“In const”);

return 1;




C:\javaprg>javac xxx.java


xxx.java:6: ‘return’ with value from constructor: xxx()

return 1;


1 error


The program will now give an error because constructors can’t return values. Ask yourself, when is the constructor called? The constructor is called at the time the object is being created. In our case it is called when we say new xxx. If the constructor is to return a value then to whom should it return the value? The object after all has not yet been created. As such constructors cannot return values.


Now within zzz.java, say new xxx(100), as we have done below. Don’t make any changes to xxx.java as yet.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


new xxx(100);





public class xxx




System.out.println(“In const “+h);




C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


zzz.java:7: Wrong number of arguments in constructor.

new xxx(100);


1 error


The constructor in class xxx takes no parameters. Hence we get an error. The only way to eliminate the error is by saying xxx(int h) i.e. we are creating a constructor with one parameter. We display the value of h by concatenating it with “In const “.


public class xxx


xxx(int h)


System.out.println(“In const “+h);




C:\javaprg>appletviewer a.html


In const 100


Now go back to your program and say new xxx(); you will get an error.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


new xxx();





public class xxx


xxx(int h)


System.out.println(“In const “+h);




C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java

zzz.java:7: No constructor matching xxx() found in class xxx.

new xxx();


1 error


Bet you didn’t expect this error! Earlier when you had new xxx() without the constructor, there was no error triggered. In the second example, you added the constructor and the constructor was called. Now however, when you say new xxx(), and within the class xxx you have a constructor with one parameter, you get an error. The rule is that if you have no constructors then you will receive one for free, the compiler within the xxx class will actually write xxx() { } for you. But if you have even one constructor then the free one is taken away. In order to remove the error you will now need two constructors. This is shown in the following program.




import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


new xxx();





public class xxx





xxx(int h)






import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


xxx x;


x=new xxx();





public class xxx




System.out.println(“In constructor”);






In constructor


In this program, we have an object x that looks like xxx. At this point, the constructor is not being called. System.out.println displays ‘No’. Now we have x=new xxx(); This is the point where the constructor is called. It is only when we say new that the object is created. And only when the object is created is the constructor called.


Constructors cannot be called directly. In the following program we try to call the constructor by saying x.xxx();  This will give us an error.



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()


xxx x;


x=new xxx();





public class xxx




System.out.println(“In constructor”);



It says that Method xxx() is not found in class xxx. Thus you cannot explicitly call a constructor.


The next program introduces threads. Here we have included Thread(this).



import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


Thread t;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);




t is a variable that looks like Thread. new Thread (this) will create an object that looks like Thread and saves it in t. To create the object, the constructor with one parameter in the Thread class is called. This constructor is being passed one parameter called ‘this’. ‘this’ in this case stands for zzz or Applet.


This program is similar to the earlier ones. On compiling, we get an error.


C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


zzz.java:7: Incompatible type for constructor. Explicit cast needed to convert zzz to java.lang.Runnable.

t = new Thread(this);


1 error


The thread constructor requires Runnable as a parameter. ‘this’ in our program represented zzz or Applet, hence the error. The only option left is to extend the class from Applet and to implement Runnable.




import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread t;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);




C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


zzz.java:2: class zzz must be declared abstract. It does not define void run() from interface java.lang.Runnable.

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


1 error


If you stop here you will get another error. Runnable is an interface and it has one function called run, which hasn’t been implemented in the class. In the next program, we have added run and within it we are calling the System.out.println function.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread t;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);


public void run()






This program doesn’t give us any errors but when you run the program nothing happens either!


To call run, we have to say t.start() where start is a function in Thread. Add this function to your program. Now when you run the program you will see hi displayed in the dos box.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread t;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);



public void run()






C:\javaprg>appletviewer a.html





Here, the function run is called only once. If you use a while loop and give the condition as true, the loop will go on infinitely. This is demonstrated in the following program.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread t;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);



public void run()


while ( true )







This also confirms that ‘start’ in the Thread class calls run().


You have used a class called Thread in your program but what is a Thread? The following program will make this concept much clearer.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Thread t; int i = 0;Button b;

public void init()


t = new Thread(this);


b = new Button(“No”);



public void paint(Graphics g)


g.drawString(“hi “ + i,1,20);


public void run()


while ( true )






public boolean mouseDown(Event e , int x , int y)



return true;




Let’s walk through this code and examine how it works.


A thread called t is created; t.start will call run. run contains an infinite while loop which increments the value of i. The loop contains the repaint function and therefore the paint function will be called. In paint, drawString will display the value of i. Now that we have understood one part of the program, let’s move onto the other.


Then we have b that looks like Button. We create this object by saying new Button (“no”); nothing happens here because we have simply created an object that looks like a button and given it a parameter ‘no’. The add function is a part of Applet and it takes one parameter. So when you say add(b), you will see a button with the label ‘no’.


Each time you click in the window, mouseDown will be called. This function calls reshape, which is part of the button class  and hence we can say b.reshape. reshape takes 4 parameters; x,y is the location where the button will be drawn and the next two parameters, 80 and 50, specify the width and height of the button. Thus the button obediently follows every click in the window. Simultaneously, drawString also does its job of displaying the new value for i.


The crux of the program is that you can do two things at the same time and this is made possible by using threads.


Today, any computer in the world is by far faster than a human being in terms of thinking as well as work. It is a lot faster than a hard disk or a floppy disk.


Windows is said to be a multi-tasking operating system. In other words, it can handle multiple jobs at the same time, allowing you to run more than one program at a time.


Let us assume you are using Microsoft Word and have given the save command to save a file. If this file is a 50 megabytes large, Word will take a long time to save it. Assuming it takes half an hour, what should you do in the meantime? While the file is being saved, you should be able to run any other program.


To tackle these issues, every time you run a program under any operating system like Windows or Linux, the operating system will run it in its own thread. A thread is an abstract entity; it is code being executed. Let us assume that in one minute i.e. 60 seconds of time, and you have 3 programs or 3 threads running simultaneously and each is allocated 20 seconds. This is all hypothetical because in real life, no thread would be given 20 seconds at a stretch. The OS switches between threads so fast that you won’t notice it at all, nor would you believe that the same computer is handling 3 different programs at the same time.


Thus when you save a file in Microsoft Word under MS Windows by clicking on File - Save, Word starts a new thread. If you have 3 programs running concurrently with the save command, there will now be 4 threads. Now the time slice will be 15 secs per minute to every program/thread. So while the thread saves the file, the main thread in which Word operates too can continue with its work. That is, you can use word as before.



Our Java program already operates in a thread. The mouseDown event is captured in this thread. By creating an object that looks like Thread, a new thread is created which calls run. run calls paint which displays the values. This is how two jobs can be done at the same time. The run function is only called once, while the while loop will run on forever.


In the previous chapter, we had a program where the image followed the mouseclick. What we did earlier in mouseDown, we can do in the run function too.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Image n[]; int i = 0;int j = 1;Thread t;

public void init()


n = new Image[10];

for ( i = 0; i <= 9 ; i++)


n[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T”+j+”.gif”);



i = 0;

t = new Thread(this);



public void paint(Graphics g)




public void run()


while ( true)



if ( i == 10)

i = 0;






The code remains the same, the only difference being that this time we have put it in the run function. When you run this program using the appletviewer, the code starts animating by itself and at great speed. Amazing isn’t it!!!


What we need to do is slow this down. Let’s see how this can be done.


import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()




public void abc() throws InterruptedException




C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java

zzz.java:6: Exception java.lang.InterruptedException must be caught, or it must be declared in the throws clause of this method.



1 error


Here, init calls the abc function. The function code has throws Interruped Exception added to it.


Let us assume you opened a file and the operation returned an error. You then have to check for the error and write code for error handling. Suppose you are opening files from 20 different places in your program, you’ll have to repeat the same error handling code 20 times. If you have 6 different types of errors, you will have to check for all of them. That’s a lot of code!


The second preoblem is with the constructor. If a constructor has an error, what should the constructor do? The constructor cannot return an error because, as discussed earlier, constructors do not return values.


The developers followed a new approach to error handling. This approach states that if a function has a problem, it should throw an exception and a handler should catch it. 


The abc function throws an exception called InterruptedException. This is a exception that comes with java  but you can create your own exceptions too. An exception is a class derived from Exception. The abc function throws an exception, hence when you are calling abc you have to catch it or else you will get an error.


The next program shows how you how to catch the error.



import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()






catch (InterruptedException i) {}

catch (Exception i) {}


public void abc() throws InterruptedException




At first, we say ‘try’ and within this block we place the function that throws exceptions. At the end of the block, we use catch along with the type of exception to handle the exception. So within the {}’s we can put whatever code we want and it will be executed if that error occurs.



iimport java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()





System.out.println(“After abc”);


catch (InterruptedException i) {System.out.println(“I am Interrupted Exception”);}

catch (Exception i) {System.out.println(“I am Exception”);}

System.out.println(“After Exception”);


public void abc() throws InterruptedException


throw new InterruptedException();




I am Interrupted Exception

After Exception


In this program, we have throw new InterruptedException. throw is a reserved word in Java. It is only when we use throw new InterruptedException that the exception is called. Within the try-catch, we call abc. abc throws InterruptedException and thus the code in catch which deals with InterruptedException is called. So println will display ‘I am Interrupted Exception’. Once an exception occurs all the remaining code in the try block is skipped. Thus you will not see ‘After abc’ displayed. After the catch is called, any code after catch will be executed. Since we have a println statement after catch, it will display ‘After Exception’.


In try, we can put as many functions as we want. We can also put as many catches as we like. Here, we are catching two exceptions, InterruptedException and Exception. So depending upon the exception that occurs, the relevant code is called.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet


public void init()






catch (Exception i)



public void abc() throws InterruptedException{}



All code in the init function can be placed between the try and catch. We can be generic by having only one catch with Exception. Exception is the mother of all exceptions. All other exceptions are extended or derived from it, even InterruptedException. You decide the level of sophistication you like in your program. A function can throw as many exceptions as it wants using commas.


Similar to ‘try-catch’ is a throw. This entire exercise was conducted because our pictures were being displayed too fast. To slow it down, we will now call a function called sleep, which is part of thread. So we say t.sleep and then give 500, which is the time in milliseconds.




import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Image n[]; int i = 0;int j = 1;Thread t;

public void init()


n = new Image[10];

for ( i = 0; i <= 9 ; i++)


n[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T”+j+”.gif”);



i = 0;

t = new Thread(this);



public void paint(Graphics g)




public void run()


while ( true)




if ( i == 10)

i = 0;






‘sleep’ gives an error. This is because it throws an exception and we are not catching it.


C:\javaprg>javac zzz.java


zzz.java:26: Exception java.lang.InterruptedException must be caught, or it must

 be declared in the throws clause of this method.



1 error


Our next program is the last in this chapter; it is a working example showing animation. Here the sleep function is put in ‘try-catch’. We have no code for error handling so we’ll leave it blank.


import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class zzz extends Applet implements Runnable


Image n[]; int i = 0;int j = 1;Thread t;

public void init()


n = new Image[10];

for ( i = 0; i <= 9 ; i++)


n[i] = getImage(getCodeBase(),”T”+j+”.gif”);



i = 0;

t = new Thread(this);



public void paint(Graphics g)




public void run()


while ( true)






catch ( Exception e) {}


if ( i == 10)

i = 0;








Thus, from this chapter it can be concluded that any program that displays animation necessarily requires the use of threads. We saw how the applet begins the animation cycle when it is activated and the animation is terminated when the applet is no longer active. But when you want the applet to provide functionality beyond animation, then you’ll have to use threads. Often Animators are built within applets. Therefore, you need an interface. To accomplish this we implemented the Runnable interface. In the process, we also learnt how exceptions are handled with the help of the ‘try-catch’ statement. By now you are also well versed with the concepts of loops, arrays and constructors.