The very word internet reminds us of a browser through which we could login to
various HTTP sites.But very little is known as to how these servers work.
In this project, an attempt has been made to explain ,in a simplified manner,
as to how a client program communicates with the server and vice- versa. We
have used C-CGI interface with the server.This simplifies the overall idea
of the working of HTTP servers in general.Below is a brief preview of the
- The server program uses winsock functions for Internet related operations.
- When the server program is run then it becomes ready to accept client
requests (e.g. from a browser)
- The client requests along with the URL are passed to the server
which the server parses accordingly and sends the client the
requested form.(e.g. GET / HTTP/1.0) This means that the client has
requested for default.htm,in our case "welcome.htm".
- These HTML pages are dynamically generated using user defined classes.
- The client can then send a query for a particular item which is in the
database of the server .
- The HTML pages are dynamically updated referring to the databases using
- Also embedded in this program is a E-Mail class which uses SMTP protocol.
Click here to DOWNLOAD the source code
Click here to view the source code
The above project is a joint effort of the following :
Santosh Nagre
Satish Prabhu
Nagraj Rao
Ashok Gabani
Viral Desai
Amit Bhutra
Murtaza Udaipurwala
Palathuruthil Varghese Babu
Kutbuddin Wangrelwala
Shailesh Sharma
Laxmikant Kulkarni
Biren Patel
We thank Mr. Vijay Mukhi and Sonal Kotecha for helping us in the completion of the project.
Please e-mail us your comments , feedback or any sugestions on the project.
To learn more about the latest in Internet Technologies, move back to the Vijay Mukhi's Technology Cornucopia Page.
Vijay Mukhi's Computer Institute
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