Whenever we want to go to a specific site on the World Wide Web, we require its address. This address is given the nomenclature of URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The uniformity in its syntax, contents and layout is very important, because the WWW has millions of users who are geographically dispersed all over the world. Without this uniformity in the pattern of the URL, there would be a lot of confusion and ad-hocism in allocation of addresses to different sites. This would in turn make it very difficult for users to locate a specific site on the WWW.


Tim Barners Lee, who is the creator of the HTML or more precisely, the World Wide Web, decided to have a unique system of representing resources on the net. This unique system has the following names :

             URL - Uniform Resource Locator

             URI - Uniform Resource Identifier

             URN - Unified Resource Name.


He decided on a single format. He said that every resource would be identified with what is called a scheme or a protocol. A colon and then, two slashes mark the end of the protocol. The protocol is a scheme i.e. a way of interacting with a computer that is connected on the other side of a network.


The WWW uses the HTTP or the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. For this reason, you will notice that most of the URLs begin with http://. This is not the only protocol. There is another protocol called File Transfer Protocol i.e. FTP. This is used for sites that support  ftp. The syntax of this scheme will be ftp://.


In the example given below, getScheme will return the protocol or the scheme i.e. http.


Screen 7. 1


extern function abc() 


var aa;









You are also allowed to represent a URL by saying www.vijay.com . At that point, you wouldn't have given a scheme, so your browser takes the default scheme which is http. This is how the function will return  http://www.vijay.com .  The symbols :// are the delimiters.  Following the http:// syntax, is the name of the computer. In our case, the name of my computer is www.vijay.com. 


Screen 7. 2


extern function abc() 


var aa;









You can obtain the name of the computer by using the function url.gethost. Url is a library. Once again, you don't have to give an absolute URL. You can specify /home/zz, which means that this is the path to be followed in the specified computer's directory.


Immediately following the word vijay.com, we have :80. "Colon 80" represents the port number. You wouldn't want one computer to support http or the World Wide Web protocol, and another computer to support the File Transfer Protocol, since you normally have them on the same computer. So, on every internet packet, there is a number which specifies the protocol that it supports.


Every protocol is given a number. IANA decided on the following allocation of numbers :

            Protocol                        Number

            HTTP                           80

            FTP                              21

            SMTP                          25 (For sending mail)

            POP3                           110 (For receiving mail).


These numbers are called port numbers. The function URL.getPort can be used to obtain the port number.


Screen 7. 3


extern function abc() 


var aa;









You connect to a server because you want to extract a file from that server, and that file should  reside somewhere on that server's hard disk. The path that you give in the URI is not from the C or the D drive of that computer, it's from a certain root directory or the home directory of the server. 


In the above example, we have specified the subdirectory zz under the home directory. Since we haven't stated any name, either index.html or default.html file is taken from there. To find the absolute path, there is a function called URL.getPath.


Screen 7. 4


extern function abc() 


var aa;









After specifying the path, you can insert a semicolon. The text after the semicolon, upto the question mark is reserved for specifying the parameters. The function URL.getParameters will return the values ";33" and "how" . We would also like to pass parameters or data to the webserver. 


Screen 7. 5


extern function abc() 


var aa;









For example, in a search engine such as Yahoo, you enter the text "WAP". Then, when you click on the Search button, the word "WAP" has to be sent to the Web Server. At times, you may fill up a data entry form on a web site. This data will also need to be sent to the Web Server. The transmission of information from a client to a webserver is known as CGI or the Common GateWay Interface programming. In this case, it is called "Query".


There is a function called getQuery. It returns whatever text is available between the symbols ? and #. This is what has to be passed on to the web server. 


Screen 7. 6


extern function abc() 


var aa;









# is called a fragment anchor. After the # symbol, the name of a file has to be specified. In this example, we have used # to name a card in a deck.


Screen 7. 7


extern function abc() 


var aa;









The function URL.getBase returns the base of it all, i.e., it tells you as to where this file comes from.


Screen 7. 8


extern function abc() 


var aa;









In our case, we now know  the sub directory from where the WMLS file has been  picked up. If it was live from the internet, it would have returned  http:......


The next function in the series is URL.getReferer.


Screen 7. 9


extern function abc() 


var aa;










Screen 7. 10


extern function abc() 


var aa;

aa=URL.resolve("file://c:\\wmls","aaa.wml ");


aa=URL.resolve("http://www.neca.com","aaa.wml ");






An RFC is a Request For Comments. This is a standard on the internet. There is an RFC  which specifies certain characters in the URL that have to be escaped.  This means that you can't directly use a character from a characterset. Instead, you have to use the % sign, and then you put a number that represents the character in that particular character set.


For example, SPACE has an ASCII value of 32, or a Hex value of 20. Similarly, the character A has an ASCII value 65. Every character has a specific number in the Character Set. The characters that have to be escaped are the control characters from 0 - 1f and 7f and SPACE. This is mandatory. The characters which are reserved and can't be used are as follows : semicolon,  / , ?, &.

Reserved ;  /  ? : @ & = + $


If any of the above have to be used, you have to specify the escape character.  It is not wise to use the next slot. You have to use two backslashes in the same way, as is the case with the double inverted commas, where you always have to use two forward slashes //.


The delimiters are the following.  < > # % ". RFC clearly indicates that the characters to be escaped are as follows :

Control characters 00 1f and 7f . space

Reserved ;  /  ? : @ & = + $

Unwise { } | \\ ^ [ ] `

Delims < > # % "


Screen 7. 11


extern function abc() 


var aa;

aa=URL.escapeString(";\\|G ");








G being a normal character doesn't get escaped. To unescape, you need to escape the string. So, it will give you the original value. ;\\|G gives the reverse of escape.


Screen 7. 12


extern function abc() 


var aa;









The function Isvalid has to be given a URL as input. If you pass a valid URL as a parameter, it returns TRUE. The name of the file is mandatory, and everything else is optional.



extern function abc() 


var aa;


if (aa)



