Pointers are the heart and soul
of a programming language. The only reason why the C programming language is so
popular amongst programmers is because of its concept of pointers. Even C#,
grudgingly, supports the concept of pointers. A pointer value is an address
that represents a memory location.
In IL, numbers can be of two
normal numbers, that we are so familiar
numbers that represent a location in
A pointer represents the second
type where the number represents a memory location. Memory locations contain
data of specific types. A pointer also needs to be typed, so that it can point
to memory locations that contain data of the same type. This is required to
guarantee type safety.
IL defines a location signature
for pointers that contain the data type and, a special syntax to identify it as
a pointer. A pointer type value is not an object.
The & symbol signifies a
managed pointer whereas, the * symbol signifies an unmanaged pointer. The
managed world does not like pointers. Then there are transient pointers which
we will introduce later.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v)
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
Like C, the programming language
C# also understands a pointer to mean a variable that contains a special
number, one representing a computer memory location. Thus, pointers are no
different from other variables. Any number can be stored in them.
In the above example, we have
placed the value 1 on the stack and used ldloc.0 to store this value in a
pointer variable. A pointer variable is no different from a non-pointer
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v)
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
IL does not understand pointers.
Therefore, IL does the following:
places the value of the pointer v on
the stack
places 1 on the stack
calls the add instruction.
The add instruction does not
sense the pointer on the stack and simply increases its value by 1.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v)
ldloca v
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca v
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
As explained earlier, C#
increases the value of a pointer variable by 4 if it is a pointer to an int. An
int requires 4 bytes of memory.
Let us now understand some
basics of pointers. The value of a
pointer variable is a memory location and it is, in turn, stored in memory too.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v , int32 j)
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
We have loaded the address of
the variable j on the stack and stored it in the variable v. Thus, the variable
v now contains the address of the variable j in memory. From the output, we can
infer that, variable j in memory, begins at the memory location 6552340.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v , int32 j)
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int32
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
In the above program, we have
stored the address of the int32 j in the pointer variable v. We have then,
loaded the value of v or the address of variable j, on the stack and
thereafter, called the instruction stobj. This instruction takes a data type as
a parameter and initializes the memory location placed earlier on the stack,
with the value that is on top of the stack.
Thus, even though the
instruction stloc v is not used anywhere, we have been able to place a value in
the memory location occupied by j. The instruction, ldloc and stloc read from
and write to a memory location respectively.
We can thus see that, the value
of any variable, whether it is a local or a parameter or a field, is simply the
value that is stored in the specific memory location.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v , int32 j)
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int8
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
This program is almost identical
to the earlier one, and yet, the output is vastly different. The reason is
that, we have changed the parameter that was passed to the instruction stobj
from int32 to int8.
Let us explain the repercussions
of this change.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 j)
ldc.i4 66051
stloc j
ldloca j
ldobj int32
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
The variable j is initialised
with a value 66051. Following it, the address of this variable is placed on the
stack and the instruction ldobj is called with a parameter int32. This
instruction picks up an address from the stack and returns the value that is
contained in the first 4 memory locations starting at the retrieved address.
It takes up 4 bytes as we have
specified the parameter as int32. When we modify the same parameter to int8 or
1 byte, we get a different answer. We are using the instruction ldobj to
identify as to what is stored in a specific memory location.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object {
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed {
.locals (int16 j)
ldc.i4 515
stloc j
ldloca j
ldobj int16
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
Here, we have used a short i.e.
int16 that requires 2 bytes, to store the value of the variable j. We have
placed its address on the stack and called ldobj with an int16 to get its
actual value, i.e. 515.
Thereafter, we have again placed
its address on the stack and called ldobj with int8. This generates an answer
of 3. This means that the number 3 is stored in the first memory location
occupied by the variable j. We will explain the reason for this shortly.
We again place the address of
the variable j on the stack and add 1 to it. the address gets incremented by 1
and ldobj is called once again with
int8. This time, the answer generated is the number 2. Thus, the second memory
location occupied by the variable j contains 2.
Though we are aware that the
value of the variable j is 515, how is it that the memory it occupies contains
the numbers 3 and 2 ?. Why is the number 515 stored as the numbers 3 and 2?
The answer is very simple.
Computer memory can only store values ranging from 0 to 255 i.e. a range of 256
different values. Thus, a value that lies in the range of 0 to 255 can be
stored in one memory location. But the number 515 is larger than 255.
In this case, the assembler
first divides the number 515 by 256, because the result of this division cannot
be larger than 255. It stores the remainder of the division, i.e. the number 3,
in the first memory location. Further, the result of the division, i.e. the
number 2 is stored in the second memory location.
Thus, the number 515 gets stored
as the numbers 3 and 2 in memory. When we want to access the value of j, the
assembler multiplies the number in the first location by 1 and the number in
the second location by 256. Thus 1*3 + 256*2 gives us back the original number
Doesnt the above
explanation give you a warm feeling in
the heart and make you feel more comfortable while dealing with computers. At
least, it had that effect on us !
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 j)
ldc.i4 66051
stloc j
ldloca j
ldobj int32
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloca j
ldobj int8
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
The above program is similar to
its predecessor, albeit with some minor modifications.
We want to unravel as to how an
int32 is stored in memory. We initialize the variable j to 66051. Then, we
display the values at the 4 memory locations occupied by j. The only small
change we make here is that, we increase the memory location for ldobj by 1 the
first time, and then by 2 and then by 3, because we want to read different
memory locations each time.
We have to change the values in
the add as we cannot change the address at which the variable starts. Whenever
a variable is stored over four memory locations, the mathematics becomes
tedious. Over four memory locations, we can store numbers in a range of 4
billion or 2 raised to the power of 32.
The numbers to be stored in the
4 memory locations are arrived as follows:
First, the assembler divides the number
66051 by 2 raised to the power 24. The answer is 0 and the remainder is 66051.
This remainder of 66051 is then divided
by 2 raised to the power 16 or 65536. The answer is 1 and the remainder is 515.
This remainder of 515 is then divided
by 2 raised to the power 8 or 256, as explained in the example above. The
answer is 2 and the remainder is 3
The 4 answers i.e. 0, 1, 2 and 3
are finally stored in the 4 memory locations occupied by j.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 * v , int32 j)
stloc j
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int8
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloc v
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int8
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloc v
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int8
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
This example simply builds upon
the preceding example. A variable on the stack has a random value and j is
initialised to 0. Then, we store the address of j in the variable v. Next, we
place this address and the number 3 on the stack.
Thereafter, we use stobj with
int8 to place this number 3 at the first memory location occupied by j. When we
display the value of j, the assembler does the following:
It multiplies the number at the first
memory location by 1 (2 raised to the power 0)
It multiplies the number at the second
memory location by 256 (2 raised to the power 8)
It multiplies the number at the third
memory location by 65536 (2 raised to the power 16)
It multiplies the number at the fourth
memory location by 2 raised to the power 24.
The output of the above program
is generated as follows:
Since the first memory location of j
has a value 3, the value of j becomes 3.
Then, we encounter the value 2 in the
second memory location of j. Thus, its value now becomes 515.
Then we find the value 1 in the third
memory location occupied by j, changing its value to 66051 because of the
following calculation:
1*3 + 256*2 + 65536*1
= 66051.
This is the reverse of the
earlier program. Instead of placing 66051 on the stack, we are individually
places values on the stack to build the number.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 **** v , int32 j)
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int32
ldloca j
ldobj int32
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
It is unfortunate that IL does
not understand pointers the way C# or any other programming language does.
Here, v is a pointer to a
pointer to a pointer to an int32. Ultimately it is treated as a pointer to an
int32, and everything works as shown. We have stored the address of j in it and
used ldobj and stobj to access the memory.
We have gone a step further and
removed all the asterix symbols from the locals directive and made v a simple
int32. We see no errors because a pointer and an int32 take up the same amount
of memory. Thus, the parameters to ldobj and stobj are most crucial.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 *v , int32 *u, int32 i, int32 j)
ldloca i
stloc v
ldloca j
stloc u
ldloc u
ldloc v
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
Pointer are not interpreted as
memory locations to a particular data type, but as numbers. Thus, subtracting
them will give us the amount of memory separating the pointers.
In the program above, as the two
ints are separated by 4 bytes, the result of the subtraction is 4. The pointers
we have used are called unmanaged pointers. They never reference any memory
which is being monitored by the garbage collector. The garbage collector is
oblivious to the existence of these pointers. Garbage collectors like to move
things around in memory, at their beck and call. This has led to the concept of
pinning. Pointers cannot use verifiable code.
There are 5 different load
instructions in IL. They are for the following:
a field
a static field
a local
a parameter
an array.
If we add the letter 'a' at the
end of these load instructions, we will get the address of the variable instead
of its value.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed {
.locals (int32 v)
ldstr "vijay"
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldstr "vijay"
stloc v
ldloc v
call void System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String)
The ldstr instruction stores the
string in memory and places its memory location on the stack. Here, we are
merely displaying this value.
This value that we are
displaying is very different from earlier values as the values earlier were on the stack, whereas the string is
stored on the heap.
We have called ldstr but now
stored the value in the variable v. Then, we have placed the value of v on the
stack and called the WriteLine function with a string as a parameter.
We can't place strings or
objects on the stack. We can only place numbers on the stack. Also, we can
place the reference of an object on the stack. This reference is a number that
indicates the starting location of the object in memory. Using ldobj, we can
access the value that is stored in memory allocated for the object.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed {
.locals (class zzz v)
newobj instance void zzz::.ctor()
stloc v
ldloc v
call instance void zzz::abc(int32,int32,int32)
ldloc v
call instance void zzz::pqr(int32,int32,int32 )
.method instance void abc(int32 i, int32 j, int32 k)
ldarga i
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldarga j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldarga k
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
.method instance void pqr(int32 i, int32 j, int32 k)
ldarga i
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldarga j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldarga k
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
All locals are created on the
stack. The rest are on the heap. The stack only contains numbers. On a 32 bit
machine, as in this case, they are in multiples of 4.
The stack is also used to
transfer parameters to a function. In this case, parameters are pushed onto the
stack and the functions are called. When the function encounters a ret, the
stack is restored to the state prior to
the function call.
Thereafter, when another
function is called, the same stack, i.e. the same memory that was used earlier
to transfer parameters for the previous function, is used again for the new
function also.
This is how memory is conserved.
Once a function finishes execution, the memory allocated to the locals is used
by another function. Thus, locals lose their values once a function quits out.
You may have noticed that there
is a 16 byte gap between the two parameters. There is no information available
as to what is stored in these 16 bytes.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (class zzz v , int32 v)
newobj instance void zzz::.ctor()
stloc v
ldloca v
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldloc v
call instance void zzz::abc(int32,int32)
ldloc v
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
.method instance void abc(int32 i, int32 j)
ldarga j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldarga j
ldc.i4 4
ldc.i4 23
stobj int32
Nothing stops you from shooting
yourself in the foot. The reason why the powers to be do not like you using
pointers is that, they are very powerful but, at the same time, they are
extremely dangerous.
Here, we are displaying the
address of the local v and also the parameter j. We realized that they differ
by 4 memory locations only. Thus, we added 4 to the address of j and wrote 23
to the memory locations that signify the address of the local v in the function
Thus, when we displayed the
value of v in the function vijay, the number 23 was displayed. Thus, from one
function, we have been able to change the value of a variable present in an
another function.
This feature can create havoc if
the pointers are not used carefully. Let us assume that there is some bug in
the WriteLine function and it writes some random value somewhere in memory. If
that random memory location contained any crucial data or variables, the
program can crash and there is no way that you can find out as to where the
error has occurred.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (class zzz v )
newobj instance void zzz::.ctor()
call instance void zzz::abc(int32)
.method instance void abc(int32 i)
ldarga i
ldc.i4 23
stobj int32
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
We can overwrite any piece of
memory we like. In the function abc, we have accessed the address of the
parameter i, and stored the value 23 in that address. When we subsequently
tried to display its value, ldarg.1, for a moment also, did not consider the old
value to be 1. All that it did was read the memory location and display the
value stored there.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.field int32 i
.field static int32 j
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (class zzz v )
newobj instance void zzz::.ctor()
ldflda int32 zzz::i
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
ldsflda int32 zzz::j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
The above example simply prints
out the addresses of a static field and an instance field. They are both stored
on the heap but at different locations in the heap memory.
Here is a summary of all that we
have learnt about unmanaged pointers:
The concept of pointers has been
borrowed from languages like C and C++.
There are no restrictions on their use,
and thus, code that uses them cannot be verified at all.
They are internally recognized as
unsigned integers by the Execution Engine (EE).
The * symbol and a data type should be
used with pointers.
The run time does not report the
existence of unmanaged pointers to the garbage collector. Hence no garbage
collector can handle these unmanaged pointers.
.assembly mukhi {}
.class private auto ansi zzz extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig static void vijay() il managed
.locals (int32 &
v , int32 j)
ldloca j
stloc v
ldloc v
stobj int32
ldloc j
call void System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
Now let us understand the
managed pointer. This is the second type of pointer and begins with a &
symbol. This type of pointer may point to a field of an object type or to a
value type or any other type. It cannot however, be NULL.
The most important thing about
this type of pointer is that, it must be reported to the garbage collector, in
spite of the fact that, it points to managed memory. This type of pointer works
in the good managed world.
The last type of pointer is the
transient pointer. It lies in between managed and unmanaged pointer. We cannot
create pointers of this type. They are created by the EE, with the help of some
IL instructions and depending upon the destination, the EE makes them either
managed or unmanaged pointers.